Tuesday, 01.07.202509:30 o'clockDoors open & Warm -up Tue, 01.07.202509:3010:00Captain Hook 300 fully occupiedhigh occupancy 10:00 o'clockBegrüßung zum CLOUDCAMP 2025 & "How to Barcamp"Tue, 01.07.202510:0010:30Captain Hook 300 fully occupiedhigh occupancy 10:30 o'clockMarktplatz - Captain Hook Tue, 01.07.202510:3012:00Captain Hook 300 fully occupiedhigh occupancy 12:00 o'clockSessionTue, 01.07.202512:0013:00Hispaniola60 fully occupiedhigh occupancy SessionTue, 01.07.202512:0013:00Aruba32 fully occupiedhigh occupancy SessionTue, 01.07.202512:0013:00Curacao 50 fully occupiedhigh occupancy SessionTue, 01.07.202512:0013:00Bulls & Bandits fully occupiedhigh occupancy SessionTue, 01.07.202512:0013:00Schatzinsel50 fully occupiedhigh occupancy SessionTue, 01.07.202512:0013:00Cloudspace 1 BA fully occupiedhigh occupancy SessionTue, 01.07.202512:0013:00Cloudspace 3 Datev fully occupiedhigh occupancy SessionTue, 01.07.202512:0013:00Cloudspace 4 Red Hat fully occupiedhigh occupancy Session Tue, 01.07.202512:0013:00Cloudspace 5 Adorsys fully occupiedhigh occupancy HackerSchoolTue, 01.07.202512:0013:00Bonaire (Cloudspace 2) fully occupiedhigh occupancy LUNCH TIME Tue, 01.07.202512:0014:30Captain Hook 300 fully occupiedhigh occupancy 13:00 o'clockSessionTue, 01.07.202513:0014:00Hispaniola60 fully occupiedhigh occupancy SessionTue, 01.07.202513:0014:00Aruba32 fully occupiedhigh occupancy SessionTue, 01.07.202513:0014:00Curacao 50 fully occupiedhigh occupancy SessionTue, 01.07.202513:0014:00Bulls & Bandits fully occupiedhigh occupancy SessionTue, 01.07.202513:0014:00Schatzinsel50 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Sponsor Tue, 01.07.202513:0014:00Cloudspace 1 BA fully occupiedhigh occupancy SessionTue, 01.07.202513:0014:00Cloudspace 3 Datev fully occupiedhigh occupancy SessionTue, 01.07.202513:0014:00Cloudspace 4 Red Hat fully occupiedhigh occupancy SessionTue, 01.07.202513:0014:00Cloudspace 5 Adorsys fully occupiedhigh occupancy HackerSchoolTue, 01.07.202513:0014:00Bonaire (Cloudspace 2) fully occupiedhigh occupancy 14:00 o'clockSessionTue, 01.07.202514:0015:00Hispaniola60 fully occupiedhigh occupancy SessionTue, 01.07.202514:0015:00Aruba32 fully occupiedhigh occupancy SessionTue, 01.07.202514:0015:00Curacao 50 fully occupiedhigh occupancy SessionTue, 01.07.202514:0015:00Bulls & Bandits fully occupiedhigh occupancy Session Tue, 01.07.202514:0015:00Schatzinsel50 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Session Tue, 01.07.202514:0015:00Cloudspace 1 BA fully occupiedhigh occupancy Sponsor Tue, 01.07.202514:0015:00Cloudspace 3 Datev fully occupiedhigh occupancy Session Tue, 01.07.202514:0015:00Cloudspace 4 Red Hat fully occupiedhigh occupancy SessionTue, 01.07.202514:0015:00Cloudspace 5 Adorsys fully occupiedhigh occupancy HackerSchoolTue, 01.07.202514:0015:00Bonaire (Cloudspace 2) fully occupiedhigh occupancy 15:00 o'clockSessionTue, 01.07.202515:0016:00Hispaniola60 fully occupiedhigh occupancy SessionTue, 01.07.202515:0016:00Aruba32 fully occupiedhigh occupancy SessionTue, 01.07.202515:0016:00Curacao 50 fully occupiedhigh occupancy SessionTue, 01.07.202515:0016:00Bulls & Bandits fully occupiedhigh occupancy Session Tue, 01.07.202515:0016:00Schatzinsel50 fully occupiedhigh occupancy SessionTue, 01.07.202515:0016:00Cloudspace 1 BA fully occupiedhigh occupancy Session Tue, 01.07.202515:0016:00Cloudspace 3 Datev fully occupiedhigh occupancy Sponsor Tue, 01.07.202515:0016:00Cloudspace 4 Red Hat fully occupiedhigh occupancy Session Tue, 01.07.202515:0016:00Cloudspace 5 Adorsys fully occupiedhigh occupancy HackerSchoolTue, 01.07.202515:0016:00Bonaire (Cloudspace 2) fully occupiedhigh occupancy 16:00 o'clockSessionTue, 01.07.202516:0017:00Hispaniola60 fully occupiedhigh occupancy SessionTue, 01.07.202516:0017:00Aruba32 fully occupiedhigh occupancy SessionTue, 01.07.202516:0017:00Curacao 50 fully occupiedhigh occupancy SessionTue, 01.07.202516:0017:00Bulls & Bandits fully occupiedhigh occupancy SessionTue, 01.07.202516:0017:00Schatzinsel50 fully occupiedhigh occupancy SessionTue, 01.07.202516:0017:00Cloudspace 1 BA fully occupiedhigh occupancy SessionTue, 01.07.202516:0017:00Cloudspace 3 Datev fully occupiedhigh occupancy SessionTue, 01.07.202516:0017:00Cloudspace 4 Red Hat fully occupiedhigh occupancy SponsorTue, 01.07.202516:0017:00Cloudspace 5 Adorsys fully occupiedhigh occupancy HackerSchoolTue, 01.07.202516:0017:00Bonaire (Cloudspace 2) fully occupiedhigh occupancy 17:00 o'clockHackerSchoolTue, 01.07.202517:0018:00Bonaire (Cloudspace 2) fully occupiedhigh occupancy RETRO / Evening Market PlaceTue, 01.07.202517:0017:15Captain Hook 300 fully occupiedhigh occupancy 17:30 o'clockDurchgang durch die GalerieTue, 01.07.202517:3018:00Captain Hook 300 fully occupiedhigh occupancy 18:00 o'clockSessionTue, 01.07.202518:0019:00Hispaniola60 fully occupiedhigh occupancy SessionTue, 01.07.202518:0019:00Aruba32 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Session Tue, 01.07.202518:0019:00Curacao 50 fully occupiedhigh occupancy SessionTue, 01.07.202518:0019:00Bulls & Bandits fully occupiedhigh occupancy SessionTue, 01.07.202518:0019:00Schatzinsel50 fully occupiedhigh occupancy SessionTue, 01.07.202518:0019:00Cloudspace 1 BA fully occupiedhigh occupancy SessionTue, 01.07.202518:0019:00Cloudspace 3 Datev fully occupiedhigh occupancy SessionTue, 01.07.202518:0019:00Cloudspace 4 Red Hat fully occupiedhigh occupancy SessionTue, 01.07.202518:0019:00Cloudspace 5 Adorsys fully occupiedhigh occupancy 19:00 o'clockSessionTue, 01.07.202519:0020:00Hispaniola60 fully occupiedhigh occupancy SessionTue, 01.07.202519:0020:00Aruba32 fully occupiedhigh occupancy SessionTue, 01.07.202519:0020:00Curacao 50 fully occupiedhigh occupancy SessionTue, 01.07.202519:0020:00Bulls & Bandits fully occupiedhigh occupancy SessionTue, 01.07.202519:0020:00Schatzinsel50 fully occupiedhigh occupancy SessionTue, 01.07.202519:0020:00Cloudspace 1 BA fully occupiedhigh occupancy SessionTue, 01.07.202519:0020:00Cloudspace 3 Datev fully occupiedhigh occupancy SessionTue, 01.07.202519:0020:00Cloudspace 4 Red Hat fully occupiedhigh occupancy SessionTue, 01.07.202519:0020:00Cloudspace 5 Adorsys fully occupiedhigh occupancy 20:00 o'clockLATE NIGHT GET-TOGETHERTue, 01.07.202520:0022:00Captain Hook 300 fully occupiedhigh occupancy
Wednesday, 02.07.202510:30 o'clockWelcome to CLOUDLAND 2025Wed, 02.07.202510:3011:00Captain Hook 300 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Cloudhunt - die Cloudland Schnitzeljagd!Igor GutmannWed, 02.07.202510:3011:00Cloud Universe (virtuell) fully occupiedhigh occupancy 11:00 o'clockWeb Assembly on the Cloud: Giving Spin a SpinBenjamin Bajorat, Dr. Christian SpecknerWed, 02.07.202511:0011:45Hispaniola60 fully occupiedhigh occupancy IT-Security Capture the Flag: Hack den OWASP JuiceShopBernd StübingerWed, 02.07.202511:0011:45Aruba32 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Delegating the chores of authenticating users to KeycloakAlexander Schwartz, Sebastian RoseWed, 02.07.202511:0011:45Curacao 50 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Internal Developer Platform: Was steckt dahinter und ist es nur ein Trend?Artem Lajko, Alexander HoeftWed, 02.07.202511:0011:45Bulls & Bandits fully occupiedhigh occupancy Cloud-Kosten im Griff: Praktische FinOps-Strategien für die AWS-WeltFabian SaackeWed, 02.07.202511:0011:45Schatzinsel50 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Handle scale with AWS LambdaMartin SakowskiWed, 02.07.202511:0012:45Cloudspace 1 BA fully occupiedhigh occupancy VPN, SSE, GSA, and other myths - Lost in the new networking jungle?!Gregor Reimling, Eric BergWed, 02.07.202511:0012:45Cloudspace 3 Datev fully occupiedhigh occupancy CloudLand Technology RadarMichel Hartmann, Björn RaupachWed, 02.07.202511:0012:45Cloudspace 4 Red Hat fully occupiedhigh occupancy Pipelines bauen mit GitLab CI/CDTanja GallmannWed, 02.07.202511:0011:45Cloudspace 5 Adorsys fully occupiedhigh occupancy Cloudhunt - die Cloudland Schnitzeljagd!Igor GutmannWed, 02.07.202511:0012:00Cloud Universe (virtuell) fully occupiedhigh occupancy 12:00 o'clockKI-gestützter Secure Software Development Lifecycle (SSDLC)Asan StefanskiWed, 02.07.202512:0012:45Hispaniola60 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Cloud Governance leicht gemacht: Warum Azure Policies ein Muss sindChristian ForjahnWed, 02.07.202512:0012:45Aruba32 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Skalierbare Event-Driven Architectures mit Google CloudRandy GuptaWed, 02.07.202512:0012:45Curacao 50 fully occupiedhigh occupancy How To Crossplane | a brief introductionMatthias AltWed, 02.07.202512:0012:45Bulls & Bandits fully occupiedhigh occupancy Bridging Worlds: Harmonizing Virtualization and Containerization with KubeVirtRene SchramowskiWed, 02.07.202512:0012:45Schatzinsel50 fully occupiedhigh occupancy The Azure Almanac: Sports Predictions That Would Make Doc Brown Proud Roelant Dieben, Michiel HamersWed, 02.07.202512:0014:45Cloudspace 5 Adorsys fully occupiedhigh occupancy Cloudhunt - die Cloudland Schnitzeljagd!Igor GutmannWed, 02.07.202512:0013:00Cloud Universe (virtuell) fully occupiedhigh occupancy 13:00 o'clockAI in Action: Marrying InstructLab and QuarkusMarta Blaszczyk, Marco KlaassenWed, 02.07.202513:0013:45Hispaniola60 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Autoscaling in der Cloud: Zwischen Vision und WirklichkeitNiklas HöflingWed, 02.07.202513:0013:45Aruba32 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Was ist Platform Engineering und wie erhöht man damit Developer Productivity!?Andredas GrabnerWed, 02.07.202513:0013:45Curacao 50 fully occupiedhigh occupancy EKS Auto Mode: Die Evolution der K8S-Verwaltung im Vergleich mit KarpenterMichel BoschWed, 02.07.202513:0013:45Bulls & Bandits fully occupiedhigh occupancy Datenbanken auf Kubernetes: Ein Spiel mit dem Feuer oder die Zukunft der Cloud?Antony Ricardo GoetzschelWed, 02.07.202513:0013:45Schatzinsel50 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Simplifying Cloud-Agnostic Microservices Development with DaprManuel ZapfWed, 02.07.202513:0015:45Cloudspace 1 BA fully occupiedhigh occupancy Modernizing SQL Server, leveraging Babelfish on Amazon Aurora.Marcelo FernandesWed, 02.07.202513:0013:45Cloudspace 3 Datev fully occupiedhigh occupancy Observability-Playground: Bau dir deinen eigenen Mini-Stack zum ExperimentierenArno ScholzWed, 02.07.202513:0014:45Cloudspace 4 Red Hat fully occupiedhigh occupancy Cloudhunt - die Cloudland Schnitzeljagd!Igor GutmannWed, 02.07.202513:0014:00Cloud Universe (virtuell) fully occupiedhigh occupancy 14:00 o'clockBuilding Europe's Cloud Future: ApeiroRA and the Platform MeshMirza Kopic, Marvin BeckersWed, 02.07.202514:0014:45Hispaniola60 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Never Without a Trace – Autoinstrumentierung mit eBPF und BeylaThorsten WussowWed, 02.07.202514:0014:45Aruba32 fully occupiedhigh occupancy [Cloud Native KI] Von der ML-Pipeline ins Glas: KServe, vLLM & Co. für effizientLyubomir Yordanov, Sandro KönigWed, 02.07.202514:0014:45Curacao 50 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Beyond Microservices: Running VMs, WASM, and AI Workloads on KubernetesMario-Leander ReimerWed, 02.07.202514:0014:45Bulls & Bandits fully occupiedhigh occupancy End-to-End Pull Request Testing on Kubernetes: A WalkthroughNicolas FränkelWed, 02.07.202514:0014:45Schatzinsel50 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Sponsor Wed, 02.07.202514:0014:45Cloudspace 3 Datev fully occupiedhigh occupancy Cloudhunt - die Cloudland Schnitzeljagd!Igor GutmannWed, 02.07.202514:0015:00Cloud Universe (virtuell) fully occupiedhigh occupancy 15:00 o'clockWie funktioniert eigentlich ein Open-Source-Projekt - ein Blick in KubernetesMario FahlandtWed, 02.07.202515:0015:45Hispaniola60 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Cloud Architecture KataTobias VoßWed, 02.07.202515:0016:45Aruba32 fully occupiedhigh occupancy GitOps Adventure: Typsicheres GitOps mit CUEKevin FritzWed, 02.07.202515:0016:45Curacao 50 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Replace Your Custom Kubernetes Controller with Kyverno PoliciesAlfred Schmid, Kai Renè KochWed, 02.07.202515:0015:45Bulls & Bandits fully occupiedhigh occupancy Engineering ML - Kubeflow and Edge AI ( end-to-end )Muthiah ChidambaramWed, 02.07.202515:0015:45Schatzinsel50 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Erstelle Deinen ersten AI Agent mit Azure AI Agent ServiceRalf RichterWed, 02.07.202515:0016:45Cloudspace 3 Datev fully occupiedhigh occupancy Advanced Kyverno Workshop: Debugging, Testing, und ÜberwachungMarie PadbergWed, 02.07.202515:0016:45Cloudspace 4 Red Hat fully occupiedhigh occupancy Es könnte so einfach sein...Ulrich Gerkmann-BartelsWed, 02.07.202515:0015:45Cloudspace 5 Adorsys fully occupiedhigh occupancy Cloudhunt - die Cloudland Schnitzeljagd!Igor GutmannWed, 02.07.202515:0016:00Cloud Universe (virtuell) fully occupiedhigh occupancy 16:00 o'clockAWS vs. Azure: The Key Differences That MatterArtun SubasiWed, 02.07.202516:0016:45Hispaniola60 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Zap the Flakes! Leveraging AI to Combat Flaky Tests with CANNIERDaniel HillerWed, 02.07.202516:0016:45Bulls & Bandits fully occupiedhigh occupancy GitOps Adventure: Repository-StrukturenJohannes SchnattererWed, 02.07.202516:0016:45Schatzinsel50 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Sponsor Wed, 02.07.202516:0016:45Cloudspace 1 BA fully occupiedhigh occupancy SponsorWed, 02.07.202516:0016:45Cloudspace 5 Adorsys fully occupiedhigh occupancy Cloudhunt - die Cloudland Schnitzeljagd!Igor GutmannWed, 02.07.202516:0017:00Cloud Universe (virtuell) fully occupiedhigh occupancy 17:00 o'clockAI'll Be Back: Generative KI für Bild- und VideoproduktionThomas EndresWed, 02.07.202517:0017:45Hispaniola60 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Beyond Limits: Unlocking 500,000 IOPS for your Database in the CloudChristoph PetersenWed, 02.07.202517:0017:45Aruba32 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Go Global with Serverless: How to Build a Distributed System While Cutting CostsFlorian LenzWed, 02.07.202517:0017:45Curacao 50 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Vertrauenwürdige CI/CD-Pipelines aufbauenDesiree BrunnerWed, 02.07.202517:0017:45Bulls & Bandits fully occupiedhigh occupancy Sustainable Software Deployments in Kubernetes with Knative Serving - TheRemake Marius SteinWed, 02.07.202517:0017:45Schatzinsel50 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Das geht sicher ganz schnell - Migration zwischen Cloud-AnbieternRalph LöweWed, 02.07.202517:0017:45Cloudspace 1 BA fully occupiedhigh occupancy GitOps Adventures in der Praxis: Mit FluxCD und GitLab automatische Helm-Deployments in KubernetesMarkus WaldheimWed, 02.07.202517:0017:45Cloudspace 5 Adorsys fully occupiedhigh occupancy Cloudhunt - die Cloudland Schnitzeljagd!Igor GutmannWed, 02.07.202517:0018:00Cloud Universe (virtuell) fully occupiedhigh occupancy 18:00 o'clockKeynote AWS Wed, 02.07.202518:0018:45Captain Hook 300 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Cloudhunt - die Cloudland Schnitzeljagd!Igor GutmannWed, 02.07.202518:0019:00Cloud Universe (virtuell) fully occupiedhigh occupancy 19:00 o'clockSummer Night Wed, 02.07.202519:0001:00Captain Hook 300 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Cloudhunt - die Cloudland Schnitzeljagd!Igor GutmannWed, 02.07.202519:0020:00Cloud Universe (virtuell) fully occupiedhigh occupancy 20:00 o'clockCloudhunt - die Cloudland Schnitzeljagd!Igor GutmannWed, 02.07.202520:0021:00Cloud Universe (virtuell) fully occupiedhigh occupancy
Thursday, 03.07.202510:30 o'clock WARM OPENING/Welcome Thu, 03.07.202510:3011:00Captain Hook 300 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Cloudhunt - die Cloudland Schnitzeljagd!Igor GutmannThu, 03.07.202510:3011:00Cloud Universe (virtuell) fully occupiedhigh occupancy 11:00 o'clockA Brief Introduction to the Cloud Native Computing FoundationLeonard Pahlke, Marvin BeckersThu, 03.07.202511:0011:45Captain Hook 300 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Cloudhunt - die Cloudland Schnitzeljagd!Igor GutmannThu, 03.07.202511:0012:00Cloud Universe (virtuell) fully occupiedhigh occupancy 12:00 o'clockServerless und Resilience - Warum muss ich mich darum kümmern?Ben FreibergThu, 03.07.202512:0012:45Hispaniola60 fully occupiedhigh occupancy IT-Security Capture the Flag: Hack den OWASP JuiceShopBernd StübingerThu, 03.07.202512:0012:45Aruba32 fully occupiedhigh occupancy AWS GamedayPaul Enno SchulteThu, 03.07.202512:0012:45Curacao 50 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Cloud-Expansion nach China - Was bieten Alibaba und Co.Felix WenzelThu, 03.07.202512:0012:45Bulls & Bandits fully occupiedhigh occupancy Open-Source-Lösungen für GenAI: Von der lokalen Entwicklung bis zum Betrieb eineDr. Stephan MichardThu, 03.07.202512:0012:45Schatzinsel50 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Top 10 Azure Security Best PracticesGregor ReimlingThu, 03.07.202512:0013:45Cloudspace 1 BA fully occupiedhigh occupancy GitOps-Adventures: Flux mit Flagger und Istio–Progressive Kubernetes DeploymentsThorsten WussowThu, 03.07.202512:0013:45Cloudspace 3 Datev fully occupiedhigh occupancy Grünes Licht, Rotes Licht: Welches ETL-Tool passt für mich?Hatice Sen, Murat KilicThu, 03.07.202512:0012:45Cloudspace 4 Red Hat fully occupiedhigh occupancy Learn to ship containers to Azure Cloudland using modern tooling Christian Gläser, Jukka LoikkanenThu, 03.07.202512:0014:45Cloudspace 5 Adorsys fully occupiedhigh occupancy SponsorThu, 03.07.202512:0012:45Bonaire (Cloudspace 2) fully occupiedhigh occupancy Cloudhunt - die Cloudland Schnitzeljagd!Igor GutmannThu, 03.07.202512:0013:00Cloud Universe (virtuell) fully occupiedhigh occupancy 13:00 o'clockVerifiable Credentials, OIDC4VCI, SD-JWT: Zukunft der digitalen IdentitätTim SchadeThu, 03.07.202513:0013:45Hispaniola60 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Datacenter Infrastuktur in der Google CloudOliver RömischThu, 03.07.202513:0013:45Aruba32 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Azure Virtual Desktop - Deep dive mit Kusto und Log AnalyticsMarcel MeurerThu, 03.07.202513:0013:45Curacao 50 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Fun with Flags: Bringing the Fun Back into Feature Flagging with OpenFeatureSimon SchrottnerThu, 03.07.202513:0013:45Bulls & Bandits fully occupiedhigh occupancy Standardisierte Observability mit OpenTelemetryMatthias Haeussler, Jens PlüddemannThu, 03.07.202513:0015:45Schatzinsel50 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Hands-on with Foundation Models: Generative AI for DevelopersJoachim AumannThu, 03.07.202513:0015:45Cloudspace 4 Red Hat fully occupiedhigh occupancy Responsive Enterprise Apps mit der Microsoft NoCode-/LowCode Lösung entwickeln David KönigThu, 03.07.202513:0015:45Bonaire (Cloudspace 2) fully occupiedhigh occupancy Cloudhunt - die Cloudland Schnitzeljagd!Igor GutmannThu, 03.07.202513:0014:00Cloud Universe (virtuell) fully occupiedhigh occupancy 14:00 o'clockGetting Started with OpenTelemetry: A Gateway to Modern ObservabilityJuraci Paixão KröhlingThu, 03.07.202514:0014:45Hispaniola60 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Aufbau einer Azure Cloud Foundation nach Microsoft CAF - Ein ErfahrungsberichtHarald Bruns, Janno TjarksThu, 03.07.202514:0014:45Aruba32 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Let me tell you a joke - Azure Monitor, Azure Copilot, and KQL walk into a bar…Eric BergThu, 03.07.202514:0014:45Curacao 50 fully occupiedhigh occupancy A windy journey: Visual Inspection the open source way with OpenShift AIRene SchramowskiThu, 03.07.202514:0014:45Bulls & Bandits fully occupiedhigh occupancy SponsorThu, 03.07.202514:0014:45Cloudspace 1 BA fully occupiedhigh occupancy [Cloud Native KI] Kubernetes & GPUs: Der perfekte KI-CocktailTihomir YordanovThu, 03.07.202514:0014:45Cloudspace 3 Datev fully occupiedhigh occupancy Cloudhunt - die Cloudland Schnitzeljagd!Igor GutmannThu, 03.07.202514:0015:00Cloud Universe (virtuell) fully occupiedhigh occupancy 15:00 o'clockKCP: Cloud Native API Control PlanesMarvin BeckersThu, 03.07.202515:0015:45Hispaniola60 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Exploring NixOS as a Robust Setup for Kubernetes DeploymentsBenjamin BajoratThu, 03.07.202515:0015:45Aruba32 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Goodbye Sidecars - Zellbasierte Architekturen für mehr ResilienzFrank PientkaThu, 03.07.202515:0015:45Curacao 50 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Effiziente AWS Serverless-APIs mit Powertools für AWS Lambda entwickelnAlexander SchürenThu, 03.07.202515:0015:45Bulls & Bandits fully occupiedhigh occupancy Copilot in Meetings und Intelligent Recap - Wann lohnt sich das? Anja SchröderThu, 03.07.202515:0015:20Cloudspace 1 BA fully occupiedhigh occupancy SponsorThu, 03.07.202515:0015:45Cloudspace 3 Datev fully occupiedhigh occupancy Running Web Assembly on the Cloud with Fermyon SpinDr. Christian SpecknerThu, 03.07.202515:0017:45Cloudspace 5 Adorsys fully occupiedhigh occupancy Cloudhunt - die Cloudland Schnitzeljagd!Igor GutmannThu, 03.07.202515:0016:00Cloud Universe (virtuell) fully occupiedhigh occupancy 15:20 o'clockCopilot Agents in SharePoint: Ihr neuer KI-Partner in SharePointAnja SchröderThu, 03.07.202515:2015:40Cloudspace 1 BA fully occupiedhigh occupancy 16:00 o'clockHighway FROM Hell: Standards, die freiwillig begeisternSimon TrockelThu, 03.07.202516:0016:45Hispaniola60 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Grow thousands of Kubernetes clusters with Gardener Hendrik Kahl, Vedran LerencThu, 03.07.202516:0016:45Aruba32 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Gateway API Unleashed - The next evolution of Kubernetes native API Gateways andManuel ZapfThu, 03.07.202516:0016:45Curacao 50 fully occupiedhigh occupancy GitOps Adventure: Monitoring und Alerting FluxCDFlorian HeubeckThu, 03.07.202516:0016:45Bulls & Bandits fully occupiedhigh occupancy Die Kunst des Expert Debriefings: Wissen effektiv sichern und weitergebenJürgen LatteyerThu, 03.07.202516:0016:45Schatzinsel50 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Effiziente Softwareentwicklung mit GitHub Copilot: Basics, für's Team & AgentenRalf RichterThu, 03.07.202516:0018:45Cloudspace 1 BA fully occupiedhigh occupancy Serverlesspresso: Build an event-driven application from the ground upBen FreibergThu, 03.07.202516:0018:45Cloudspace 3 Datev fully occupiedhigh occupancy Sponsor/ RED Hat Thu, 03.07.202516:0016:45Cloudspace 4 Red Hat fully occupiedhigh occupancy Schütze Container vor Supply-Chain-AngriffenDesiree BrunnerThu, 03.07.202516:0018:45Bonaire (Cloudspace 2) fully occupiedhigh occupancy Cloudhunt - die Cloudland Schnitzeljagd!Igor GutmannThu, 03.07.202516:0017:00Cloud Universe (virtuell) fully occupiedhigh occupancy 17:00 o'clockPlattformen neu definiert - Kubernetes kann mehr als Container OrchestrationMario FahlandtThu, 03.07.202517:0017:45Hispaniola60 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Cloud native SIEM with Microsoft Sentinel - why it might be the right solution aChristian LehrerThu, 03.07.202517:0017:45Aruba32 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Die Rückkehr des Newbie McNoob – Das interaktive Abenteuer geht weiterAndreas MonschauThu, 03.07.202517:0017:45Curacao 50 fully occupiedhigh occupancy How to measure carbon emissions for every API call of your microservicesDr. Andreas BrunnertThu, 03.07.202517:0017:45Bulls & Bandits fully occupiedhigh occupancy Infrastructure as Code mit KubeVirt: GitOps für virtuelle MaschinenFelix MatouschekThu, 03.07.202517:0017:45Schatzinsel50 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Lokale LLMs für Unternehmen und trotzdem Cloud-ReadyHenry MoserThu, 03.07.202517:0018:45Cloudspace 4 Red Hat fully occupiedhigh occupancy Cloudhunt - die Cloudland Schnitzeljagd!Igor GutmannThu, 03.07.202517:0018:00Cloud Universe (virtuell) fully occupiedhigh occupancy 18:00 o'clockHow comfortable are you with quantum computing?Johnny HooyberghsThu, 03.07.202518:0018:45Hispaniola60 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Using Kanister To Take Logical Backup Of Your Stateful Applications On KuberneteVivek SinghThu, 03.07.202518:0018:45Aruba32 fully occupiedhigh occupancy AWS GamedayPaul Enno SchulteThu, 03.07.202518:0018:45Curacao 50 fully occupiedhigh occupancy An Introduction to Serverless Workflow DSLCharles d'Avernas, Ricardo ZaniniThu, 03.07.202518:0018:45Bulls & Bandits fully occupiedhigh occupancy Unlocking Cloud & DevOps in Regulated IndustriesNicole PhilippczyckThu, 03.07.202518:0018:45Schatzinsel50 fully occupiedhigh occupancy SponsorThu, 03.07.202518:0018:45Cloudspace 5 Adorsys fully occupiedhigh occupancy Cloudhunt - die Cloudland Schnitzeljagd!Igor GutmannThu, 03.07.202518:0019:00Cloud Universe (virtuell) fully occupiedhigh occupancy 19:00 o'clockHebocon Tunier Thu, 03.07.202519:0020:30Captain Hook 300 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Cloudhunt - die Cloudland Schnitzeljagd!Igor GutmannThu, 03.07.202519:0020:00Cloud Universe (virtuell) fully occupiedhigh occupancy 20:30 o'clockQuiplash for CloudLandMarius KnabbenThu, 03.07.202520:3000:00Cloudspace 1 BA fully occupiedhigh occupancy Eine Einführung in die Mikrocontroller - Edge-Computing for BeginnerDavid KönigThu, 03.07.202520:3000:00Cloudspace 3 Datev fully occupiedhigh occupancy GAMING NIGHTThu, 03.07.202520:3000:00Captain Hook 300 fully occupiedhigh occupancy
Friday, 04.07.202509:30 o'clockWARM OPENINGFri, 04.07.202509:3010:00Captain Hook 300 fully occupiedhigh occupancy 10:00 o'clockKEYNOTEFri, 04.07.202510:0010:45Captain Hook 300 fully occupiedhigh occupancy 11:00 o'clockAddressing Modern Authorization ChallengesSebastian RoseFri, 04.07.202511:0011:45Hispaniola60 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Gelber Zettel goes CloudAndrii Pastukh, Björn RaupachFri, 04.07.202511:0011:45Curacao 50 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Kompetenzaufbau – Schlüsselfaktor einer Multi-Cloud Journey – ein PraxisberichtChristian Jacobs, Alexander HainzFri, 04.07.202511:0011:45Bulls & Bandits fully occupiedhigh occupancy Ey Mann wo is’ meine Quittung? – KI-Chatbot für automatische AntwortenSandro König, Nikolay KostadinovFri, 04.07.202511:0011:45Schatzinsel50 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Cloud JETZT bei der BA: Wie wir mit Multi-Cloud die digitale Zukunft gestaltenOliver SzymanskiFri, 04.07.202511:0011:45Cloudspace 1 BA fully occupiedhigh occupancy SponsorFri, 04.07.202511:0011:45Cloudspace 3 Datev fully occupiedhigh occupancy A brief introduction to werfAleksei IgrychevFri, 04.07.202511:0012:45Cloudspace 4 Red Hat fully occupiedhigh occupancy Months to minutes: Real world continuous Deployment & it's sustainability impactMarcel CremerFri, 04.07.202511:0011:45Cloudspace 5 Adorsys fully occupiedhigh occupancy SponsorFri, 04.07.202511:0011:45Bonaire (Cloudspace 2) fully occupiedhigh occupancy 12:00 o'clockReif Für Die Zukunft: The Key To Mature Platform EngineeringTim UrlaubFri, 04.07.202512:0012:45Hispaniola60 fully occupiedhigh occupancy IT-Security Capture the Flag: Hack den OWASP JuiceShopBernd StübingerFri, 04.07.202512:0012:45Aruba32 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Spring Cloud Contract - Lessons LearnedOliver ManzFri, 04.07.202512:0012:45Curacao 50 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Verfügbarkeitsüberwachung mit Azure Functions und Azure Application InsightsJan-Hendrik PetersFri, 04.07.202512:0012:45Bulls & Bandits fully occupiedhigh occupancy Wem kann man heutzutage überhaupt noch trauen? Sicherer Pipelinebetrieb in K8sDr. Jan KneisslerFri, 04.07.202512:0012:45Schatzinsel50 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Windows Server 2025 mit Azure Arc und WAC - Die beste Kombination für die HybridGregor ReimlingFri, 04.07.202512:0013:45Cloudspace 1 BA fully occupiedhigh occupancy GitOps Adventure: Advanced HandsOn!Yannick Christian Thomas, Johannes SchnattererFri, 04.07.202512:0013:45Cloudspace 3 Datev fully occupiedhigh occupancy SponsorFri, 04.07.202512:0012:45Cloudspace 5 Adorsys fully occupiedhigh occupancy Einführung in die Erstellung von Copilot AgentsMichael PlettnerFri, 04.07.202512:0013:45Bonaire (Cloudspace 2) fully occupiedhigh occupancy LUNCH TIMEFri, 04.07.202512:0014:00Captain Hook 300 fully occupiedhigh occupancy 13:00 o'clockBuild Your Own IaaS with IronCore by utilizing the Kubernetes Aggregation LayerAndreas FritzlerFri, 04.07.202513:0013:45Hispaniola60 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Harnessing the power of metrics with ThanosMatej GeraFri, 04.07.202513:0013:45Aruba32 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Introduction To SynapseCharles d'Avernas, Jean-Baptiste BianchiFri, 04.07.202513:0013:45Curacao 50 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Eine cloud-native Office- und Kollaborationssuite für die öffentliche VerwaltungRené Fischer, Dominik KaminskiFri, 04.07.202513:0013:45Bulls & Bandits fully occupiedhigh occupancy Greenify your System: Nachhaltigkeit in der SoftwarearchitekturSophia ReschFri, 04.07.202513:0013:45Schatzinsel50 fully occupiedhigh occupancy SponsorFri, 04.07.202513:0013:45Cloudspace 4 Red Hat fully occupiedhigh occupancy GitOps Adventures aus der Praxis: Lessons Learned - Zwei Jahre GitOps mit FluxCD in ProduktionChristian FritzFri, 04.07.202513:0013:45Cloudspace 5 Adorsys fully occupiedhigh occupancy
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