Tuesday, 18.06.202409:30 o'clockDoors Open & Warm-upTue, 18.06.202409:3009:55Community Hall500 fully occupiedhigh occupancy 10:00 o'clockBegrüßung zum CLOUDCAMP 2024 & "How to Barcamp"Tue, 18.06.202410:0010:25Community Hall500 fully occupiedhigh occupancy 10:30 o'clockMARKTPLATZTue, 18.06.202410:3012:00Community Hall500 fully occupiedhigh occupancy 12:00 o'clockLUNCH TIME: Quantum Foyer and Upper FloorTue, 18.06.202412:0014:30Community Hall500 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Session 4Tue, 18.06.202412:0012:45IT Systemhaus Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Session 3Tue, 18.06.202412:0012:45Nordcloud Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Session 5Tue, 18.06.202412:0012:45QAware Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Session 2Tue, 18.06.202412:0012:45DACHS IT Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Session 1Tue, 18.06.202412:0012:45DATEV Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Session 6Tue, 18.06.202412:0012:45Stage 180 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Session 7Tue, 18.06.202412:0012:45Stage 280 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Session 8Tue, 18.06.202412:0012:45Stage 380 fully occupiedhigh occupancy 13:00 o'clockSession 13Tue, 18.06.202413:0013:45IT Systemhaus Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Session 12Tue, 18.06.202413:0013:45Nordcloud Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Session 14Tue, 18.06.202413:0013:45QAware Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Session 11Tue, 18.06.202413:0013:45DACHS IT Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Session 10Tue, 18.06.202413:0013:45DATEV Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Session 15Tue, 18.06.202413:0013:45Stage 180 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Session 16Tue, 18.06.202413:0013:45Stage 280 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Session 17Tue, 18.06.202413:0013:45Stage 380 fully occupiedhigh occupancy 14:00 o'clockSession 22Tue, 18.06.202414:0014:45IT Systemhaus Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Session 21Tue, 18.06.202414:0014:45Nordcloud Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Session 23Tue, 18.06.202414:0014:45QAware Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Session 20Tue, 18.06.202414:0014:45DACHS IT Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Session 19Tue, 18.06.202414:0014:45DATEV Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Session 24Tue, 18.06.202414:0014:45Stage 180 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Session 25Tue, 18.06.202414:0014:45Stage 280 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Session 26Tue, 18.06.202414:0014:45Stage 380 fully occupiedhigh occupancy 15:00 o'clockSession 31Tue, 18.06.202415:0015:45IT Systemhaus Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Session 30Tue, 18.06.202415:0015:45Nordcloud Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Session 32Tue, 18.06.202415:0015:45QAware Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Session 29Tue, 18.06.202415:0015:45DACHS IT Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Session 28Tue, 18.06.202415:0015:45DATEV Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Session 33Tue, 18.06.202415:0015:45Stage 180 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Session 34Tue, 18.06.202415:0015:45Stage 280 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Session 35Tue, 18.06.202415:0015:45Stage 380 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Session 36Tue, 18.06.202415:0015:45Stage 480 fully occupiedhigh occupancy 16:00 o'clockSession 40Tue, 18.06.202416:0016:45IT Systemhaus Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Session 39Tue, 18.06.202416:0016:45Nordcloud Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Session 41Tue, 18.06.202416:0016:45QAware Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Session 38Tue, 18.06.202416:0016:45DACHS IT Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Session 37Tue, 18.06.202416:0016:45DATEV Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Session 42Tue, 18.06.202416:0016:45Stage 180 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Session 43Tue, 18.06.202416:0016:45Stage 280 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Session 44Tue, 18.06.202416:0016:45Stage 380 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Session 45Tue, 18.06.202416:0016:45Stage 480 fully occupiedhigh occupancy 17:00 o'clockRETROSPEKTIVE Tue, 18.06.202417:0017:30Community Hall500 fully occupiedhigh occupancy 18:00 o'clockGet Together: Beer and beverage distribution at QuantumTue, 18.06.202418:0023:00Community Hall500 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Abend-Session 4Tue, 18.06.202418:0018:45IT Systemhaus Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Abend-Session 3Tue, 18.06.202418:0018:45Nordcloud Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Abend-Session 5Tue, 18.06.202418:0018:45QAware Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Abend-Session 2Tue, 18.06.202418:0018:45DACHS IT Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Abend-Session 1Tue, 18.06.202418:0018:45DATEV Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy 18:30 o'clockFocaccia Mexico: Pizza and beerTue, 18.06.202418:3021:30Park area Berlin fully occupiedhigh occupancy 19:00 o'clockAbend-Session 9Tue, 18.06.202419:0019:45IT Systemhaus Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Abend-Session 8Tue, 18.06.202419:0019:45Nordcloud Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Abend-Session 10Tue, 18.06.202419:0019:45QAware Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Abend-Session 7Tue, 18.06.202419:0019:45DACHS IT Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Abend-Session 6Tue, 18.06.202419:0019:45DATEV Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy 20:00 o'clockAbend-Session 14Tue, 18.06.202420:0020:45IT Systemhaus Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Abend-Session 13Tue, 18.06.202420:0020:45Nordcloud Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Abend-Session 15Tue, 18.06.202420:0020:45QAware Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Abend-Session 12Tue, 18.06.202420:0020:45DACHS IT Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Abend-Session 11Tue, 18.06.202420:0020:45DATEV Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy
Wednesday, 19.06.202410:00 o'clockDOORS OPENWed, 19.06.202410:0010:30Community Hall500 fully occupiedhigh occupancy 10:30 o'clockWELCOME TO CLOUDLAND 2024Fried Saacke, André SeptWed, 19.06.202410:3011:00Community Hall500 fully occupiedhigh occupancy 11:00 o'clockMit APIs auf dem Pfad zu evolutionären ArchitekturenDaniel KocotWed, 19.06.202411:0013:45IT Systemhaus Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Vollständige Home-IT-Automatisierung mit GitHub, Ansible und SemaphoreDavid KönigWed, 19.06.202411:0012:45Nordcloud Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Selbstorganisation durch Systemvisualisierung greifbar machenDr. Rebekka ManderWed, 19.06.202411:0013:45QAware Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy CNI EBPF WTF: An introduction to Kubernetes networkingDr. Christian SpecknerWed, 19.06.202411:0011:45DACHS IT Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy IT-Security Capture the Flag: Hack den OWASP JuiceShopBernd StübingerWed, 19.06.202411:0011:45DATEV Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Data Contracts: Eine sozio-technische BeziehungJochen ChristWed, 19.06.202411:0011:45Stage 180 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Cloud Native and AI using Spring AI and GCPMahdi TilabWed, 19.06.202411:0011:45Stage 280 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Cloud-LLMs & Chat with your Data: über RAGs, Fine-Tuning & k8s-DeploymentsLukas Heidemann, Hendrik WinkelmannWed, 19.06.202411:0011:45Stage 380 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Einstieg in Azure leicht gemachtGregor ReimlingWed, 19.06.202411:0011:45Stage 480 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Interaktiver Hebocon WorkshopQi AnWed, 19.06.202411:0017:45Playground Floor25 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Cloudland Plays!Igor GutmannWed, 19.06.202411:0018:45Cloud Universe 1 (virtuell) fully occupiedhigh occupancy IT-Security Capture the Flag: Hack den OWASP JuiceShopBernd StübingerWed, 19.06.202411:0018:45Cloud Universe 3 (virtuell) fully occupiedhigh occupancy 12:00 o'clockLUNCH TIME: Restaurant Unter den LindenWed, 19.06.202412:0014:30Park area Berlin fully occupiedhigh occupancy Effiziente Frontendentwicklung: Viele Teams und viele ReleasesHenry Moser, Florian RothWed, 19.06.202412:0013:45DACHS IT Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Sponsored Session: Security Awareness #SecurityExperienceRoland Wagner, Jana Amthor, Michael Kelch, Alexandra KrausWed, 19.06.202412:0012:45DATEV Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Observability fully automatedSebastian MaischlWed, 19.06.202412:0012:45Stage 180 fully occupiedhigh occupancy LLMs im SelbstbetriebJohann-Peter HartmannWed, 19.06.202412:0012:45Stage 280 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Sponsored Talk: Zur Hölle mit der KomplexitätOlaf EschenbruchWed, 19.06.202412:0012:45Stage 380 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Private Cloud on a Raspberry PI ClusterMuthiah ChidambaramWed, 19.06.202412:0012:45Stage 480 fully occupiedhigh occupancy 13:00 o'clockRenovate Bot Advanced WorkshopDr. Marius ShekowWed, 19.06.202413:0014:45Nordcloud Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy CDK challenge - Klickst Du noch oder automatisierst Du schon?Daniel Klinger, Matthias KutzWed, 19.06.202413:0014:45DATEV Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Wie baue ich ein Serverless Big-Data Systems mit dem Kubernetes SparkOperatorSascha DittmannWed, 19.06.202413:0013:45Stage 180 fully occupiedhigh occupancy RAG in Practice: Building Production-Ready Conversational AgentsDavid Boldt, Johannes LangerWed, 19.06.202413:0013:45Stage 280 fully occupiedhigh occupancy OpenTofu, the more healthy & responsible alternative to TerraformJohannes AmorosaWed, 19.06.202413:0013:45Stage 380 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Cloud Reporting im regulierten UmfeldDr. Ina Humpert, Marissa QuanteWed, 19.06.202413:0013:45Stage 480 fully occupiedhigh occupancy 14:00 o'clockSponsored Session: Das IT-Systemhaus der BAOliver SzymanskiWed, 19.06.202414:0014:45IT Systemhaus Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Terratest für Terraform - Vertraut eurem IaC-CodeRobert Krul, Frank PrechtelWed, 19.06.202414:0015:45QAware Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy The power of Kubernetes toolsSebastian MaischlWed, 19.06.202414:0014:45DACHS IT Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy wasmCloud - das Ende aller Cloudprobleme?Johann-Peter HartmannWed, 19.06.202414:0014:45Stage 180 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Codespaces, Gitpod, Devpod ... was cloud-basierte IDEs schon könnenMatthias HaeusslerWed, 19.06.202414:0014:45Stage 280 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Make standardization fun again - how we create SCS standardsKurt GarloffWed, 19.06.202414:0014:45Stage 480 fully occupiedhigh occupancy 15:00 o'clockHandsOn K8s OperatorsMatthias AltWed, 19.06.202415:0016:45IT Systemhaus Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy CloudLand Technology RadarMichel HartmannWed, 19.06.202415:0016:45Nordcloud Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Sponsored Session: Wie KI das Onboarding neuer DevOps verbessern kann - oder wie David der DevOps bei DACHS IT durchstarteteAlexander SchaberWed, 19.06.202415:0015:45DACHS IT Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Alexa kann einpacken! Wir bauen unseren eigenen GenAI Sprachassistent mit AWS und HomeassistantPaul Enno Schulte, Tim Huettemeister, Diana Cheng AbusabalWed, 19.06.202415:0016:45DATEV Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Crossplane: Build your own Multi-Cloud (Developer) PlatformSimon WakenhutWed, 19.06.202415:0015:45Stage 180 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Workload Identity - Authentifizierung komplett ohne statische ZugangsdatenChristian FritzWed, 19.06.202415:0015:45Stage 280 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Data-centric ArchitectureAzmir AbdiWed, 19.06.202415:0015:45Stage 380 fully occupiedhigh occupancy The Future of AI is Now - Chancen & Hürden in Computer Vision und NLPMartin Förtsch, Thomas EndresWed, 19.06.202415:0015:45Stage 480 fully occupiedhigh occupancy 15:30 o'clockSNACK TIMEWed, 19.06.202415:3016:30Community Hall500 fully occupiedhigh occupancy 16:00 o'clockSponsored Session: Effizienzsteigerung im Entwicklerteam: Verbessere deine interne Entwicklungsplattform mit dem CNCF ReifemodellMarkus ZimmermannWed, 19.06.202416:0016:45QAware Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Der LGTM-Stack: Open Source Observability für hybride Cloud-InfrastrukturThorsten WussowWed, 19.06.202416:0018:45DACHS IT Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Don't be afraid of Change(s)! PostgreSQL-Änderungen über NiFi in die Cloud(s)! Hatice SenWed, 19.06.202416:0016:45Stage 180 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Developing highly scalable image storage solution with AWS Serverless at ip.labsVadym Kazulkin, Firdaws AboulayeWed, 19.06.202416:0016:45Stage 280 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Azure Container Apps and Dapr - build Microservices state of the artRalf RichterWed, 19.06.202416:0016:45Stage 380 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Vertrauenswürdige Clouds - Was ist das genauClemens WunderWed, 19.06.202416:0016:45Stage 480 fully occupiedhigh occupancy 17:00 o'clockCilium Cluster Meshstephane karagulmezWed, 19.06.202417:0018:45IT Systemhaus Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Sponsored Session: Day 3 Operations. Umzug in einen neuen Azure Tenant.Thomas WießnerWed, 19.06.202417:0017:45Nordcloud Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy AWS IoT Core <3 Kubernetes - A love story from the edgeDominic Giebert, Max TharrWed, 19.06.202417:0018:45QAware Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Nachhaltige Software Deployments in Kubernetes mit Knative ServingMarius SteinWed, 19.06.202417:0017:45DATEV Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Cloud Native und doch souverän mit Apache NiFi und Apache SupersetJanis Ax, Sönke LiebauWed, 19.06.202417:0017:45Stage 180 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Containers & AI - Beauty and the Beast!?! Tobias SchneckWed, 19.06.202417:0017:45Stage 280 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Wie uns Plattform-Engineering produktiver machtAlexander KaserbacherWed, 19.06.202417:0017:45Stage 380 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Was bedeutet digitale Souveränität und wie kann ich diese in einer public Cloud Frank PientkaWed, 19.06.202417:0017:45Stage 480 fully occupiedhigh occupancy 18:00 o'clockIt depends... aber was, wenn nicht?Richard Zimmermann, Thomas BausWed, 19.06.202418:0018:45Nordcloud Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Kubernetes on prem - Cluster mit kubespray aufsetzenDirk WeilWed, 19.06.202418:0018:45Stage 180 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Was kostet die Cloud? - FinDevOps in der CloudRalph LöweWed, 19.06.202418:0018:45Stage 280 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Accelerating Machine Learning with AutoML and AI ServicesHeli HelskyahoWed, 19.06.202418:0018:45Stage 380 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Wolkig mit Aussicht auf Datenschutz: Eine DSGVO-Navigationshilfe für die CloudChristof AmelunxenWed, 19.06.202418:0018:45Stage 480 fully occupiedhigh occupancy 18:45 o'clockDINNER TIMEWed, 19.06.202418:4521:15STOCK’s500 fully occupiedhigh occupancy 20:00 o'clockCommunity KeynoteAndré SeptWed, 19.06.202420:0020:45STOCK’s500 fully occupiedhigh occupancy 21:00 o'clockSUMMER NIGHTWed, 19.06.202421:0001:00STOCK’s500 fully occupiedhigh occupancy
Thursday, 20.06.202410:00 o'clockDAY 3 - WARM OPENING Thu, 20.06.202410:0010:20Community Hall500 fully occupiedhigh occupancy 10:20 o'clockPanel: Cloud-Allianz und andere VersicherungenThu, 20.06.202410:2010:55Community Hall500 fully occupiedhigh occupancy 11:00 o'clockHands-on with Foundation Models: Generative AI for DevelopersJoachim Aumann, Markus WeyerhäuserThu, 20.06.202411:0013:45IT Systemhaus Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy ML-based Amazon DevOps Guru for the Serverless applicationsVadym KazulkinThu, 20.06.202411:0013:45Nordcloud Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Aufruf, Wegbereiter in eine bessere Zukunft zu seinDr. Christian BetzThu, 20.06.202411:0012:45QAware Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Fully automated document analysis on AWS with Gen AI and LangChainMax TharrThu, 20.06.202411:0012:45DACHS IT Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Trivy - das OSS Multitool für Cloud Native SecurityThomas LaubrockThu, 20.06.202411:0011:45DATEV Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Data Mesh & DDD: Synergien für datengetriebene ExzellenzFabian Hardt, Sven BernhardtThu, 20.06.202411:0011:45Stage 180 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Sponsored Talk: Berufseinstieg und Karriere bei einem DienstleisterPierre Selmeier, Philipp UlrichThu, 20.06.202411:0011:45Stage 280 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Building a Mobile Development Platform for Containers AKA the "Cloudkoffer"Andreas KowaschThu, 20.06.202411:0011:45Stage 380 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Wie setze ich mein eigenes LLM in Kubernetes auf und was kommt danach?Victor Getz, Philip EhnertThu, 20.06.202411:0011:45Stage 480 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Interaktiver Hebocon WorkshopQi AnThu, 20.06.202411:0018:45Playground Floor25 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Cloudland Plays!Igor GutmannThu, 20.06.202411:0023:00Cloud Universe 1 (virtuell) fully occupiedhigh occupancy IT-Security Capture the Flag: Hack den OWASP JuiceShopBernd StübingerThu, 20.06.202411:0023:00Cloud Universe 3 (virtuell) fully occupiedhigh occupancy 12:00 o'clockLUNCH TIME: Restaurant unter den LindenThu, 20.06.202412:0014:30Park area Berlin fully occupiedhigh occupancy Sponsored Session: Security Awareness #SecurityExperienceRoland Wagner, Jana Amthor, Michael Kelch, Alexandra KrausThu, 20.06.202412:0012:45DATEV Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Skalierbar aber dennoch bezahlbar: ELT/ETL Strecken als Cloud-Native PipelinesDr. Jan KneisslerThu, 20.06.202412:0012:45Stage 180 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Nachhaltig in der Cloud unterwegs - was können wir tun?Dr. Christoph SchönnenbeckThu, 20.06.202412:0012:45Stage 280 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Decarbonizing your Batch Jobs - Serverless editionManuel WessnerThu, 20.06.202412:0012:45Stage 380 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Mein Cloud Provider ist CO2-neutral! Was bedeutet das für mich?Tim SchadeThu, 20.06.202412:0012:45Stage 480 fully occupiedhigh occupancy 13:00 o'clockMigrate your legacy to the cloudGerd Aschemann, Markus ZimmermannThu, 20.06.202413:0015:45QAware Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Code ➡️ Cluster: Entwicklung mit lokaler K8s-Betriebsplattform beschleunigen Johannes Schnatterer, Yannick Christian ThomasThu, 20.06.202413:0014:45DACHS IT Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Hands on: Workload Identity - Wie wird man statische Zugangsdaten los?Christian Fritz, Stefan SchmöllerThu, 20.06.202413:0015:45DATEV Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Flux mit Flagger und Istio - Progressive Kubernetes DeploymentsThorsten WussowThu, 20.06.202413:0013:45Stage 180 fully occupiedhigh occupancy OpenTelemetry - Observability neu gedachtWinfried BittnerThu, 20.06.202413:0013:45Stage 280 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Cloud-Produktentwicklung mit dem STACKIT Maturity ModelDr. Lars MautschThu, 20.06.202413:0013:45Stage 380 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Moderne Cloud-Infrastruktur managen – Ansible und Terraform richtig nutzen!Janis AxThu, 20.06.202413:0013:45Stage 480 fully occupiedhigh occupancy 14:00 o'clockSponsored Session: CIO Insights: zeITenwende in der MonsterbehördeStefan LatuskiThu, 20.06.202414:0014:45IT Systemhaus Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy How to run your Java application in the cloud?Maximilian Schellhorn, Yuriy BezsonovThu, 20.06.202414:0016:45Nordcloud Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Expedition Kubernetes Cluster: Auf den Spuren eines Netzwerkpakets Marius DorlöchterThu, 20.06.202414:0014:45Stage 180 fully occupiedhigh occupancy From Zero to still Zero: die schönsten Fehler auf dem Weg in die CloudLars RöwekampThu, 20.06.202414:0014:45Stage 280 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Why we're *not* leaving the cloudRichard Zimmermann, Thomas BausThu, 20.06.202414:0014:45Stage 380 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Multicloud Cluster Deployment at scale - Gardener meets KubernetesVerena Traub, Bernd HansenThu, 20.06.202414:0014:45Stage 480 fully occupiedhigh occupancy 15:00 o'clockCloud Architecture KataTobias VoßThu, 20.06.202415:0016:45IT Systemhaus Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Sponsored Session: Wie man das Abhängigkeits- und Update-Chaos zähmt.Alexander SchaberThu, 20.06.202415:0015:45DACHS IT Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Der KI-gestützte EntwicklerJohn Fletcher, Daniel HartungThu, 20.06.202415:0015:45Stage 180 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Safeguarding Kubernetes: Pod Security Admission, NeuVector & Kyverno im RingMarie PadbergThu, 20.06.202415:0015:45Stage 280 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Lass' den Saftladen hacken: ein AI-powered Bot als Herausforderer beim OWASP CTFThomas WolfThu, 20.06.202415:0015:45Stage 380 fully occupiedhigh occupancy The beauty of ephemeral - Short lived environments in praxisFabian DesoyeThu, 20.06.202415:0015:45Stage 480 fully occupiedhigh occupancy 15:30 o'clockSNACK TIMEThu, 20.06.202415:3016:30Community Hall500 fully occupiedhigh occupancy 16:00 o'clockSponsored Session: Turbocharging AI Innovation: Wie AI-Plattformen helfen GenAI Use Cases zuverlässig auf die Straße zu bringenMario-Leander ReimerThu, 20.06.202416:0016:45QAware Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Managing Bot Traffic with AWS WAFJoachim Aumann, Robert HoffmannThu, 20.06.202416:0018:45DACHS IT Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Wie wir Veränderungen ins Leben rufen - Culture Hacks und 3D-WeltenChristopher WentzekThu, 20.06.202416:0018:45DATEV Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy "Cloud Migration? Ja klar! Aber was mach' ich mit meinen Teams?"Oliver WünschelThu, 20.06.202416:0016:45Stage 180 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Innovation für Nachhaltigkeit: die Zukunft der energieeffizienten CloudDr. Stephan MichardThu, 20.06.202416:0016:45Stage 280 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Auf gute Zusammenarbeit - effiziente APIs dank Consumer Driven ContractsFalk SippachThu, 20.06.202416:0016:45Stage 380 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Diamond Session: Konsistenz vs. Skalierung - DDD Aggregate Design und Domain EventsMario HerbThu, 20.06.202416:0016:45Stage 480 fully occupiedhigh occupancy 17:00 o'clockWhat you don't know about containers (and why it matters)Sean ScottThu, 20.06.202417:0018:45IT Systemhaus Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Sponsored Session: Souvereign Cloud. Die vierte Dimension der CloudRichard Zimmermann, Nina FussThu, 20.06.202417:0017:45Nordcloud Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy (T)Es(t)caperoom - Ich nutze Playwright, lasst mich hier rausFrank Löffladt, Martin HlavacThu, 20.06.202417:0018:45QAware Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Effizientes Kubernetes Flotten-Management mit Cluster API und GitOpsMario-Leander ReimerThu, 20.06.202417:0017:45Stage 180 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Efficient Cloud Application Monitoring with Grafana API IntegrationSyed Usman AhmadThu, 20.06.202417:0017:45Stage 280 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Serviceaufrufe navigieren: Die Rolle von Kausalität in Cloud-Native AnwendungenNele Lea UhlemannThu, 20.06.202417:0017:45Stage 380 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Postman hebt ab – und nun?Andreas SiegelThu, 20.06.202417:0017:45Stage 480 fully occupiedhigh occupancy 18:00 o'clockFaaSt ohne Server - Serverless 101Tanja GallmannThu, 20.06.202418:0018:45Nordcloud Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Cloud-Compliance Clash: Technik trifft RegulierungMike Liebsch, Johannes BlekerThu, 20.06.202418:0018:45Stage 180 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Cloud eXtreme: Serverless Architecture Lars RöwekampThu, 20.06.202418:0018:45Stage 280 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Optimierung von Serverless Workloads mit ObservabilityBen Freiberg, Marco JahnThu, 20.06.202418:0018:45Stage 380 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Newbie McNoob und das Geheimnis des ersten ProjektsAndreas MonschauThu, 20.06.202418:0018:45Stage 480 fully occupiedhigh occupancy 18:30 o'clockDINNER TIME: La Cantina Tacana and Bratwurst BerlinThu, 20.06.202418:3021:30Park area Berlin fully occupiedhigh occupancy 19:00 o'clockGAMING NIGHT - Hebocon TunierQi AnThu, 20.06.202419:0020:30Community Hall500 fully occupiedhigh occupancy 20:30 o'clockGAMING NIGHTThu, 20.06.202420:3022:00Community Hall500 fully occupiedhigh occupancy
Friday, 21.06.202409:30 o'clockDAY 4 - WARM OPENINGFri, 21.06.202409:3010:00Community Hall500 fully occupiedhigh occupancy 10:00 o'clockEventStorming - der Hands-On-WorkshopMax JungFri, 21.06.202410:0012:45IT Systemhaus Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Craft Fully Open Imperative and Reactive Cloud-Native Microservices Emily JiangFri, 21.06.202410:0012:45Nordcloud Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Follow along: Azure Automanage Machine Configuration for large environmentsJan-Hendrik PetersFri, 21.06.202410:0011:45QAware Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Azure Governance Best Practices and Enterprise-ScaleGregor Reimling, Thomas NaunheimFri, 21.06.202410:0011:45DACHS IT Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Verdächtiges Verhalten in Containern mit Falco erkennenDr. Tobias Heide, Florian KretschmerFri, 21.06.202410:0011:45DATEV Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Einsatz von "Cloud-native" Technologien on-the-edge in der FertigungJeremy TheocharisFri, 21.06.202410:0010:45Stage 180 fully occupiedhigh occupancy App für lerntherapeutische Praxen: Ein Erfahrungsbericht.Gunther Thielemann, Thorsten WussowFri, 21.06.202410:0010:45Stage 280 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Siemens CommsCloud - bring digital marketing to the next levelThomas König, Martin LehmannFri, 21.06.202410:0010:45Stage 380 fully occupiedhigh occupancy 11:00 o'clockCloud Migration Journey für EnterpriseHamed RoknizadehFri, 21.06.202411:0011:45Stage 180 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Eine Reise nach Mordor und zurück–Bericht aus 2 Jahren PublicSector-CloudprojektStephan TönniesFri, 21.06.202411:0011:45Stage 280 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Cloud Native IAM mit KeycloakDominik SchlosserFri, 21.06.202411:0011:45Stage 480 fully occupiedhigh occupancy 12:00 o'clockLUNCH TIME: Restaurant Unter den LindenFri, 21.06.202412:0014:30Park area Berlin fully occupiedhigh occupancy Gemeinsame Optimierung der Build-Geschwindigkeit von Container-ImagesDr. Marius ShekowFri, 21.06.202412:0012:45DACHS IT Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Passgenaues IAM: Keycloak an die eigenen Anforderungen anpassenDominik SchlosserFri, 21.06.202412:0014:45DATEV Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Entwicklungsumgebung auf KnopfdruckDr. Harald GerhardsFri, 21.06.202412:0012:45Stage 180 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Barrierefreiheit für alle - Digitalisierung ohne HindernisseRené MatthäiFri, 21.06.202412:0013:45Stage 280 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Von Null auf Cloud in 100 TagenSven IllertFri, 21.06.202412:0012:45Stage 380 fully occupiedhigh occupancy DIAMOND SESSIONFri, 21.06.202412:0012:45Stage 480 fully occupiedhigh occupancy 13:00 o'clockLive Hacking Cloud ArchitecturesMirna Alaisami, Thorsten JakobyFri, 21.06.202413:0014:45IT Systemhaus Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Warum sich Datenbank-Fans auch für Kafka und Debezium interessieren sollten?Dirk KrautschickFri, 21.06.202413:0014:45Nordcloud Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Serverless Produktentwicklung: Meilensteine und Erkenntnisse aus 3 JahrenFrederick Gamer, Benjamin KlattFri, 21.06.202413:0013:45QAware Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Progressive Delivery - Automatische Canary Deployments mit FlaggerFlorian HeubeckFri, 21.06.202413:0014:45DACHS IT Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Einblicke in das Cloud-Transformations-Reisetagebuch der BAClemens WunderFri, 21.06.202413:0013:45Stage 180 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Navigating the Cloud-native Sustainability Landscape towards Green K8s ClustersMario-Leander ReimerFri, 21.06.202413:0013:45Stage 380 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Resilience-Patterns in Cloud-Anwendungen (nicht nur für Go)Kristian KöhlerFri, 21.06.202413:0013:45Stage 480 fully occupiedhigh occupancy 14:00 o'clockWie baut man eine effektive DevOps-Organisation?David das NevesFri, 21.06.202414:0014:45QAware Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Von Fully-Managed zu On-Premise - Unser Weg durch die CloudsKai Culemann, Matthias KrompaßFri, 21.06.202414:0014:45Stage 280 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Multicloud Portable Java Applications Made EasySachin PikleFri, 21.06.202414:0014:45Stage 380 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Wie Verantwortung nicht nur übertragen sondern auch übernommen wirdChristina LerchFri, 21.06.202414:0014:45Stage 480 fully occupiedhigh occupancy 15:00 o'clockOpen MicFri, 21.06.202415:0015:45IT Systemhaus Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Open MicFri, 21.06.202415:0015:45Nordcloud Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Open MicFri, 21.06.202415:0015:45QAware Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Open MicFri, 21.06.202415:0015:45DACHS IT Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy CRUDzefix - Warum APIs unabhängig designed werden sollenUwe NeukamFri, 21.06.202415:0015:45DATEV Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Open MicFri, 21.06.202415:0015:45DATEV Lounge30 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Cloud SimplifiedDaniel HauckFri, 21.06.202415:0015:45Stage 180 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Karate und Gatling - Testautomatisierung und integrierte Lasttests Johannes SchütznerFri, 21.06.202415:0015:45Stage 280 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Minimising the Carbon Footprint of WorkloadsMichael MuellerFri, 21.06.202415:0015:45Stage 380 fully occupiedhigh occupancy Release fast or DiePaul NieblerFri, 21.06.202415:0015:45Stage 480 fully occupiedhigh occupancy 16:00 o'clockCLOSINGFri, 21.06.202416:0017:00Community Hall500 fully occupiedhigh occupancy
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